Install Windows 11 With a Local User Account


Microsoft now demand that you have an on-line Microsoft account to allow installing Windows 11.
This is of course purely to 'enhance the user experience'.
Windows 11 may be installed using a local account if you get tricky.
Microsoft don't make this process easy, but is not difficult when you know how.
If you are not comfortable playing in a command window, then forget it, this not for you.


Bypass Windows 11 Microsoft Account Requirement Using Command Prompt


1. To bypass the Microsoft Account requirement, proceed with the first few steps of the installation process normally until you reach this screen:

2. Once you're there, press Shift + F10 to open up a Command Prompt

3. Paste the following into the prompt:

4. Once you type in the command, press Enter and your PC will immediately restart.

This will bring you back here again.

5. You must completely disconnect your PC from the Internet at this point.
If Windows 11 detects an Internet connection it will continue to try and force you to sign in with a Microsoft account.
You can do this by either unplugging your lan cable, or using the command window.

6. press Shift + F10 to open up a Command Prompt

7. Paste the following into the prompt:
ipconfig /release Once you type in the command, press Enter

The window will show the results.

8. Close the Command window.

9. Work through the next screens.

When you're disconnected from the Internet you'll get to the "Let's connect you to a network' screen.
Beside to the 'Next' button, in fine print, is the "I Don't Have Internet" option.
10. Click that and you will be prompted to create a local account immediately.
If this screen doesn't come up, you are still connected to the internet.

The 'Who's going to use this device screen comes up".

11. Enter the name you intend to use as local user. Press Next

The 'Create a password' screen is next.

12. Enter the password you intend to use as local user.
You don't have to enter a password. If you don't you avoid the security screens and you can enter a password later.
Press Next

The 'Security' screen is next.

13. Pick the 3 questions and enter answers that you can remember. Press Next

The 'Privacy' screen is next.

14. Feel free to turn them all OFF. Press Next

You now have a 'Local' user account set up.

Your system will now reboot and go into Install mode.

Enjoy without the Microsoft 'enhanced user experience'.